Wednesday, February 26, 2014

( Jakes i'm so proud of you in football and more proud of the young man that you are i love you so much Jakers i love you with all my heart!!! You are such a good person you are so kind and thoughtful so much like Christ!!! You are a hero to me and i miss you like crazy when i feel down i look at the picture of the family and see your handsome smiling face along with the rest of the families and it motivates me to keep on working. )

We are teaching a man, he told us that through teaching him he has hope and direction for the first time in his life of 50 years and hes trying to quit smoking too. Then his step daughter is really cool shes wanting to get baptized but has to get a job to be able to get divorced to get baptized.

But ya so the two that got baptized just moved with their mom to the area right next to ours and Im super good friends with the elders there and they'll take care of them. We got our changes and Elder llanos is my new companion, he was with Elder Famasili  our zone leader. He is from Chile.

This past week has been pretty hard. I have thought a lot about trials from the Israelites wandering for 40 years, to Liberty Jail and  Joseph sold into Egypt, to our Savior and the atonement.  How we are have hard times in our lives.  All I every wanted my whole life was to be the best missionary I can be, then to be a good mormon father like the perfect example I have. and have a great family.
I just feel super humbled when Joseph Smith says "The lord takes us low so he can raise us higher"  just waiting like ok lord any second I'm ready to go up now I know you love us so you give us trials, but don't love me that much ;) 
I'm excited for my new comp,  he's a stud and a super good missionary and super humble! We will have fun I just need to do more spiritual weight lifting  in my study time do like in Alma 17: 4 "search the scriptures dilligently."
here we go week!
I love you all and pray for everyone of you individually! Nos vemos hasta la semana que viene.

Love elder Drewster rooster Hunt

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